Why Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams offers a secure and seamless way for you and your attorney to communicate and share files. Within this framework you can call, text, video chat, and share or view your files maintained by your attorney. Using this platform reduces the likelihood of accidentally sharing confidential information with individuals not authorized to view it. View the introduction video linked here to see why we think you will be excited to join us working on your case in Microsoft Teams

Why Teams

How do I Get Started

First, you must receive an invitation from your attorney. This invitation to collaborate is your gateway to all the features offered by Teams. Use the video linked below for a brief overview to join as a guest.

Joining a Team as a Guest

How do I Chat and share files with my attorney

Chatting or sending a secure instant message with your attorney is both easy and much more secure than sharing case specific information over unsecured email and text message. First, understanding that email and text are insecure by default is an important. Sharing this information in these ways can cause unintentional disclosures which can cause harm to your reputation and ultimately your case. Sharing documents using Microsoft Teams allows you to collaborate and share these files in a real-time manner directly with those who need access. Your content share will be stored safely in our document repository for viewing later. Watch the brief video linked below for an overview on how to chat directly with your attorney.

Chatting with your Attorney

How do I have meetings with my Attorney

Throughout your case, you may need to have scheduled conversations with your attorney. If these meetings will take place virtually, Microsoft Teams provides a way for you to securely have these meetings and share files related to the topics for discussion. These meetings will appear on your calendar just like a normal face-to-face meeting, but also include a link for you and your attorney to join virtually. These meetings can include video for a more personable experience. View the linked video below to learn how to join meetings set up with your attorney in Microsoft Teams.

Join a Teams Meeting

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